Many companies apply for loans to expand their business. But getting a loan can be a task because the review of the loan applications can be difficult. The banks get a lot of business from giving loans to big companies.
Giving loans to smaller companies can be risky for them. Hence, they go through a series of a background check including the financial background of the company. Every corporate bank has its policy for lending loans and criteria. So, if you are looking for corporate bank loan financing Singapore, then you should know how the banks analyze to approve loan applications.
What are the Bank Policies and Criteria?
Every bank has a framework for lending loans, and this includes compliance with the loan application with the bank policy. If the applications do not comply with the bank policies, then your application can get rejected. Every bank has a specialized loan to offer to their customers. So, when you are filling out the loan application, make sure that fits their loan criteria.
Loan officers who approve the loans have their pre-determined criteria. It will be helpful while applying for the loans if you understand the pre-determined criteria. Understanding these criteria will also help you in understanding how banks analyze or scrutinize the applications.
Banks check the financial background of the company so that they know the repayment ability of the company. The credibility of a company is also one of the things that are considered by the banks to accept the loan application.
Some banks ask for collaterals and hence, expect the companies to declare their assets that can be considered as collaterals to approve the loan. The profit, investment, and liabilities also play an important role in getting a loan approved.
Performance of a Company also considered
Apart from the financial background, the banks also check the performance of the company. This means the banks check whether the company has had any previous loan or any active loan. They also check if the loans have been repaid on time or the EMIs are being paid on time. If you, as a company, are unable to provide the necessary documentation to the bank, then your application will get rejected.
Analytical Tools are Used Internally by the Banks
Banks use various analytic tools to determine whether the loan application is worth approving. This is necessary as the banks cannot risk giving loans to companies that are incapable of repaying their loans. If the company does not qualify these analytic tools, then the loan is rejected.
So, if you are planning to apply for a business loan with a corporate bank, then make sure you are fully prepared.